September 23

Why Are There So Many Versions?

The first thing that comes to mind about the Bible that doesn’t make sense is the number of versions that exist.

Many people start with the argument of, “The Bible is Gods word”.  If this is the case why are there so many versions of the bible that have been written. If it truly is the word of God it should be no need to change it.


These are just a basic examples of how the Bible has changed over the years.

5th – 11thcentury Wessex Gospels – Hatton gospels – Old English Hexateuch – Old English Bible Translations
Middle English Wycliffe – Middle English Bible translations
16th – 17thcentury Tyndale – Coverdale – Matthew – Great Bible – Taverner – Geneva – Bishops’ – Douay–Rheims – King James
18th – 19thcentury Challoner – Webster’s – Young’s Literal – Revised – Living Oracles – Darby – Joseph Smith – Quaker
20thcentury American Standard – Rotherham’s Emphasized – Ferrar Fenton – Worrell New Testament – Knox – Basic English – Revised Standard – Anchor – New World – Modern Language Bible – New English Bible – New American Standard – Good News – Jerusalem – New American – Living – New International – New Century – Bethel – New King James – New Jerusalem – Recovery – New Revised Standard – Revised English – Contemporary English – The Message – Clear Word – New Life – 21st Century King James – Third Millennium – New International Reader’s – New International Inclusive Language – God’s Word – New Living – Heinz Cassirer’s translation – Complete Jewish Bible – International Standard – Holman Christian Standard
21stcentury World English – World English Bible Messianic Edition – English Standard – Today’s New International – New English Translation (NET Bible) – New English Translation of the Septuagint – Orthodox Study Bible – The Voice – Common English Bible – WGC Illustrated – Apostolic Bible Polyglot – Open English Bible – Eastern Orthodox Bible – New American Bible Revised Edition – Lexham English Bible – The Orthodox Jewish Bible – Tree of Life Bible


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Posted September 23, 2014 by Alex in category "Uncategorized

About the Author

I decided to create this site after years of hearing people say they "have to" or "can't do" something because it is not what god would want. As a rational thinker it makes no sens to limit your life just because a book says what to do. It is my belief that the Bible is a good idea that has been misused and abused over the years to control people. There are many good points in the bible and I plan on pointing them out as the come up, however a blanket statement of "Because God said so in the Bible" is not a good way to govern your life.